This month (February) our Training Manager Holly Fairburn-Barnes, has shared the book Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson with us. We are reading the Introduction pp 8-12 If you would like to join us for an informal chat about the reading please join via Teams at...
Category: Uncategorised
International Strategic Partnership Funded visit to Lahore, Pakistan, January 2025
A Wonderful Long Weekend in Lahore by Charlie Stockton-Powdrell I was invited to join a delegation heading to Lahore in Pakistan as part of the International Strategic Partnerships Fund from the University of Manchester, leaving on 1st January 2025. The award is led...
Registration open now! Teamwork and Collaboration Principles for Successful Research training workshop
Register now for the Team Research 'Teamwork and Collaboration Principles for Successful Research' training workshop. What is it about? Collaborative, interdisciplinary team-based ways of working and skills are becoming increasingly important in the fundability and...
Puzzles, pump-priming and people: Teams Build Dreams Autumn Community Event
Thank you to everyone involved in making our autumn Teams Build Dreams community event so successful: we have had some fantastic feedback and can’t wait to do it all again in spring! The focus this time was on launching our 24/25 Microcatalyst call which for 24-25 we...
Improving the equity of digital health technology by using the Health Equity Impact Assessment Digital Health supplement (HEIA-DH)
Improving the equity of digital health technology by using the Health Equity Impact Assessment Digital Health supplement (HEIA-DH) Research team: Amanda Gambin, Syed Mustafa Ali, Helen Chadwick Chief investigators: Allison Crawford (University of Toronto...
Christabel Pankhurst Institute – Call for seed corn projects 2022/2023
Christabel Pankhurst Institute – Call for seed corn projects 2022/2023The Christabel Pankhurst Institute has been awarded funds to support a number of seed corn projects. The aim of this funding is to support multidisciplinary and collaborative...
What factors have impacted on older people’s (75+) access/experience of public services during COVID-19?
What factors have impacted on older people’s (75+) access/experience of public services during COVID-19?Research team: Alex Hall, Alison Littlewood, Annemarie Money, Charlotte Eost-Telling, Chris Todd, Danielle Harris, Jane McDermottChief investigators:...
The REmote MOnitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) research programme
The REmote MOnitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) research programme Research team: Professor Caroline Sanders, Dr Yumna Masood Chief investigators: Professor William Dixon, Dr Sabine van der Veer, The University of Manchester Funder: National...
OPTimising engagement in routine collection of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes (OPT-ePRO)
OPTimising engagement in routine collection of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes (OPT-ePRO) Research team: Miss Helen Chadwick; Dr Sarah Knowles; Dr Fergus Caskey; Dr Angelo Ercia; Prof Ken Farrington; Dr Michael Rees Chief investigator: Dr Sabine van...
The Manchester Digital Pain Manikin
The Manchester Digital Pain Manikin Research team: Alessandro Chiarotto, Darcy Murphy, David Wong, John McBeth, Syed Mustafa Ali, William Dixon Chief investigator: Sabine van der Veer, University of Manchester Funder: Versus Arthritis & Medical...
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