Digital Health Inequities
Digital health inequities are health inequities caused or exacerbated by introducing digital technology in health and social care settings. Digital health inequities are an increasingly important topic within health research and policy, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic showed the impact technology can have on people’s access to health services.
In keeping with this growing importance, there is an expanding community in Greater Manchester with an interest in this topic. The Pankhurst Digital Health Inequities Programme aims to bring together this community and establish a collaborative programme of research on tackling digital health inequities.
If you have any questions or would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact us at digital-inequities@manchester.ac.uk. Also feel free to contact us with suggestions for additional case studies, or for news, events, or resources that you feel are worth sharing with our digital health inequities community.
The Pankhurst Digital Health Inequities Programme is delivered through the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester.